
For mankind, environment and society

Bell Flavors & Fragrances is a signatory member of the IFRA-IOFI Sustainability Charter, which is built around five focus areas: Responsible Sourcing, Environmental Footprint, Employee Well-being, Product Safety, and Transparency. Whether it is by reducing use of finite resources, careful management of renewable resources, responsible employment practices, promoting leading-edge safety standards, or nurturing of relationships with stakeholders, customers and consumers: All of these aspects of our value chain can contribute to a more sustainable future and are therefore firmly anchored in our Code of Conduct.

Purchasing and Resources

We focus on fair and long-term partnerships. Environmental factors are taken seriously into account as part of our supplier management. Among others, our focus lies on ethical working practices and protection of our environment when selecting suppliers. Whereever possible, we use recycled packaging materials and recycle cans and IBCs. We also use plant extracts and are constantly working to develop resource-saving technologies.


Compliance with European and national environmental legislation forms the basis of all our environmental activities. In accordance with our environmental policy, we monitor, analyze and regularly evaluate environmental impacts from the product development stage onwards. This includes the following environmental aspects: waste, water and waste water, contaminated sites, energy consumption, emissions, contamination of soils/groundwater, operating and auxiliary Materials, handling of hazardous and non-hazardous raw materials and products, including storage and transport as well as packaging.


We see it as our duty and commitment to challenge and support all employees on a daily basis. Safety and health are of particular importance to us. Safety and health training is mandatory and is supplemented by constantly updated information. There are also targeted preventive health measures such as flu vaccinations. In line with our values, Bell is also committed to equal opportunities and lives a culture characterized by diversity and inclusion. Training and personal development are also important to us.

Product Safety

Bell works closely with suppliers and customers to ensure that our products are completely safe. We take great care to ensure that our flavours, fragrances, botanical extracts and speciality ingredients meet regulatory and customer requirements on a global scale.

Key areas include holistic safety, risk analysis, regulatory compliance and global alignment.


Bell focuses on the continuous strengthening of internal and external communication measures in order to provide transparent information to all interest groups.

Acting ethically and with integrity, which is also linked to the concept of transparency, is a prerequisite in our Code of Conduct and is monitored and implemented through appropriate mechanisms.